We are Unit IT

We help ambitious companies solve complex IT problems and achieve demanding business goals.
Do you need help fulfilling your potential, or reaching a new goal?

We are Unit IT

Hundreds of Experts. Seven locations

Making a difference for your business through the right technology requires access to specialists. And building and operating transformational platforms require substantial business acumen. 

We're called Unit IT because we're built from a selection of dedicated and specialized units. Each of them is full of experienced and devoted experts. When we unite we deliver the understanding, width, and nuance required when people, technology, and business need to succeed - all at once. 

That's why we're united. For your sake, for the sake of the solutions we build, and for a better end-result.

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We are United

We're called Unit IT because we consit of a series of dedicated units, each strong on their own, but even more powerful, when we unite around your goals.

When we're united we achieve the syngergy that gives us the strenght to make a difference and the agility to stay in touch with your goals.

Thats why we deliver on all the platforms that matter to your goals, through one powerful framework, taking your whole business into account.


We're not for sale. We're open for business

We're part of a strong, privately owned, danish-based conglomerate, with long and proud traditions. We're not trying to leverage your IT-spend to get acqured by Private Equiry or achieve an IPO. 

With us you can think and invest in IT-platforms for the long term. On your business terms.

Leverage our scale

We're here to support both our strong family business and our customers through high quality and transformational platforms and solutions. 

That scale, security, and maturity your business needs, we're probably already delivering to USTC Group, with its 4.000 employees in 40 countries and an annual revenue of around 150 bn. DKK.


We're getting stronger. And more wide-reaching

We want to offer new and stronger IT-solutions, capable of helping more areas of your business succeed and transform. 

It's not just idle talk. Right now we're more than 250 specialists, and we keep adding skills, insights and experience, that your business can leverage to succeed.

The right IT-partner will move the needle

We believe technology can elevate, defend and scale your business. It always should. If it doesn't you probably have the wrong solution. Or the wrong partner.


Together we drive business forward

We Dare

Let's lean out together

We put our knowledge and experience on the line to push ourselves, push the boundaries of technology - and your results.

We dare to challenge the status quo because we would rather learn something new than risk the possibilities of technology passing us by. Or passing you by.

And we insist on being focused specialists, nuanced nerds, and that it should be both challenging and fun to transform business through technology.

We care

Can we have your back?

There is nothing more important to us than taking responsibility. Responsibility for ourselves, responsibility for each other, and responsibility for the results you want to achieve by working with us.

We are committed to you and to understanding your ambitions. And we value the trust you have in us.

Therefore, it is also natural for us to listen to what you think about working with us, and we work hard to understand your needs better than anyone else.

We Care

Together we're unbeatable!

A victory is sweeter when we win it together. Defeats sting less because we share the burden. It's when we stand together, we are strongest.

When we open doors to new opportunities, territories, and technologies, we do it together. And when we work to ensure your business has the best chances of success, we do it with you. For the sake of your business.

We may consist of highly specialized units, but we are always united. Both for your sake and for ours.

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We have the strength to make a difference, and the will to make it count


Our purpose is to advise on, build, operate, and service IT, together with partners, so that customers can focus on running and developing their core business without worries


We aim to be the leading IT partner, measured by customer and employee loyalty as well as profitability. With a special focus on attracting Danish companies with complex IT needs.


We Dare. We Care. We are United. We are proper and always strive to do our best. Our customers and our surroundings experience us, in all contexts, as present, interested, and value-adding.